Stow and Deploy® Hardware Makes Installation Simple and Hurricane Preparation Fast
PlyFASTner Plus® system lets you place protective panels on your home in under a minute per window and door.
Install Hardware in Advance
Prepare plywood panels to fit windows and doors.
Install Stow and Deploy® anchors (a) and protective caps (b).
Attach Panels When Hurricane Threatens
The PlyFASTner Plus system lets you place protective panels on your home in under a minute per window and door. Openings are protected from wind-borne debris.
Remove protective caps from anchors (a) and deploy anchors to protrude from surface of window casing (b).
Hang plywood panels on PlyFASTner Plus anchors by aligning them with the pre-drilled holes.
Place PlyFASTner Plus brackets on anchors.
Slide PlyFASTner Plus brackets down to secure plywood.
Common Wall Types
The code-approved method of attachment varies depending on the type of wall construction.
Wood Frame with Vinyl, Wood or Hardie-Plank Siding
Brick Veneer
Since the anchor must penetrate the structural framing, anchor components also vary based on wall construction.
Select PlyFASTner Plus® Installation Instructions based on the type of construction used for the house.
All PlyFASTner Plus® Hardware kits and components meet all Building Code Requirements.